What is an AED?
An AED, Automated External Defibrillator, is the CTRL+ALT+DELETE for your heart. Think about how many times you have restarted your computer in an attempt to reset it and start over. If you are like me…..it is quite a few!
An AED is attempting to do that for your heart. Your heart isn’t beating correctly so we need to CTRL ALT DELETE it, in hopes of restoring that normal rhythm.
“But where do I find an AED in an emergency?”
Did you know that only 50% of people can locate an AED at work? Most people don’t even know what they look like. One of the most important things you can know about an AED is where it is located! AEDS should be located in highly visible areas. Mostly found near entrances or bathrooms.
Despite the life-saving potential of AEDs, they are of no value if they cannot be located and brought to the victim. The immediate use of an AED greatly increases the chances of surviving a cardiac arrest.
We are challenging each of YOU to be on the lookout at your favorite store or sporting event to find where their AED is located.
Once you find it….
* we ask you take a picture in front of it
* Use our background ( you can find it here. If you don’t know how, reach out to us and we will help :) )
* share the pic on your social media and tag Neighbors CPR
* Use #ifounditneighbors
Our goal is to change that statistic.
We hope to get everyone in the habit of finding an AED no matter where you are. The greater number of images we share featuring these life-saving devices, the more widespread awareness AEDs will gain.